Saturday, March 13, 2010


things i particularly love today.

01. Alela Diane's voice.

02. creaking floorboards, yellow sun, voices jingling as they pass, the present of possibility that i wish to eagerly tug open, green landscapes, old buildings, and people. people.

03. you know that feeling when you're completely in love with the people around you? when all you want to do is smile because of the bliss of existence? when every moment seems sacred? i want to cultivate that feeling in my everyday life. ♥

04. oh, how could anything be ugly?

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


01. big, fluffy snowflakes. watching it from the yoga studio. gathering on the rolling hillsides and dark trees.

02. moss. i love that stuff.

03. this song

Thursday, February 18, 2010


01. hanging out with lots of amazing, full-hearted people, including visiting guests Momentary Prophets at kirtan last night.

02. Sri Kisore and i talked about his upcoming film project, which he wants me to be a part of. at first i was afraid, but then i realized that this is a great test of being fearless--throwing myself completing into my fears. the Tibetan concept of fearlessness, jigme (i believe it's called), as explained by Chögyam continues to be a major part of my life...

Monday, February 15, 2010


01. i love kirtan.

02. i love yoga.

03. i love history.

04. yet i feel that i have no passion.

Monday, February 8, 2010


01. oh hello there, friend: a bright red cardinal tucked amongst a bare shrub above my head.

Sunday, January 10, 2010


01. cutting my own hair. a mirror propped up on the trash can, taking a pair of dull scissors to my auburn locks and watching them cascade onto discarded tissues. then i use a safety razor to finish up my bangs.

02. gratefulness and disappointment coexist in Levy's "Rotten Love."

03. this cover makes me absolutely joyous.

04. cutting out the underwire from my new bras. oh, sweet relief!